Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Welcome to Sidney's Literary Review

Welcome to Sidney's Literary Review!

This site is for people of all ages interested in finding interesting books. Each review provides an overview and rating on the book as well as space to read comments from others who have read that book. You can also take surveys.

On average, I read 50 - 75 books per year. I hope to review these books for your benefit. Feel free to leave questions or ask me to review any books. I'll do my best to respond unless the comments are impossible or unreasonable.

Thank you for visiting! Sidney


  1. Yeah, at the moment there are only reviews about books for a certain age, but I am just trying to create a section. Soon all of these will be under one tab, and I go onto review books for younger or older books.

  2. Feel free to comment on any of my posts!
